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Terms and Conditions


The use of services provided by Nest Nepal Business Solutions Pvt.Ltd. on (after this referred to as “Nest Nepal or Nest Nepal”) constitutes agreement to the following Terms and Conditions.

General terms

We make no representation that the domain name you wish to register is capable of being registered by or for you or that it will be registered in your name. You should not assume registration of your requested domain name(s) until it is shown active and you make a Full Payment of Rs. 1200.

The registration and use of your domain name is subject to the terms and conditions of use applied by the relevant naming authority; ICANN in the case of .COM/NET/ORG and other regional domain authorities for the various country specific domains, you shall ensure that you are aware of those terms and conditions and that you comply with them. You shall have no right to bring any claim against us in respect of refusal to register a domain name. Any administration charge paid by you to us shall be non-refundable inspite of refusal by the naming authority to register your desired name.

We shall have no liability in respect of the use by you of any domain name; any dispute between you and any other person must be resolved between the parties concerned in such dispute. If any such dispute arises, we shall be entitled, at our discretion and without giving any reason, to withhold, suspend or cancel the domain name. We shall also be entitled to make representations to the relevant naming authority but will not be obliged to take part in any such dispute.

We shall not release any domain to another provider unless full payment for that domain has been received by us. All charges payable by you for the Services shall be in accordance with the scale of charges and rates published from time to time by us on our web site and shall be due and payable in advance of our service provision.

Without prejudice to our other rights and remedies under this Agreement, if any sum payable is not paid on or before the due date, we shall be entitled to suspend the services provided to you.

You shall indemnify us and keep us indemnified and hold us harmless from and against any breach by you of these terms of business and any claim brought against us by a third party resulting from the provision of Services by us to you and your use of the Services.

If you fail to pay any sums due to us as they become due, we may suspend the Services and/or terminate this Agreement forthwith without notice to you.

If you break any of these terms and conditions and you fail to correct the breach within seven (7) days following written notice from us specifying the breach, we may terminate this Agreement forthwith.

If you are a company and you go into insolvent liquidation or suffer the appointment of an administrator or administrative receiver or enter into a voluntary arrangement with your creditors, we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith.

On termination of this Agreement or suspension of the Services we shall be entitled immediately to block your Web Site and to remove all data located on it. We shall be entitled to delete all such data but we may, at our discretion, hold such data for such period as we may decide to allow you to collect it at your expense, subject to payment in full of any amounts withstanding and payable to us.

Nest Nepal is not responsible for any damages your business may suffer. Nest Nepal does not make implied or written warranties for any of our services. Nest Nepal denies any warranty or merchantability for a specific purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by Nest Nepal.

Nest Nepal reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

Refund policy

All services rendered by Nest Nepal are non-refundable. This includes, but is not limited to: setup fees, one time fees, monthly service fees, upgrade fees, additional service fees, administrative fees, and late fees. Customer agrees not to chargeback or dispute any credit card or PayPal payments for services rendered. A chargeback or dispute of payment for services rendered will result in an additional charge of Rs. Twenty Thousand (“Rs. 20,000”) and will be subject to collection by an authorized collection agency. Disputes or chargebacks will result in immediate service termination. Customer is responsible for any fees and costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and collection agency fees) incurred in enforcing collection.]
Any funds sent to Nest Nepal which are in excess of the amount owed can only be reimbursed in credit and cannot be refunded.

Delivery of Services

Immediately upon successful payment you will receive an automated receipt from our systems. Please print and retain a copy of this and retain in a safe place for future reference.
Your unique email will be on this receipt and should be used for any enquires to Nest Nepal.

Please note that we aim to deliver all goods as soon as the signup is complete. If we will be unable to adhere to this you will be informed via email or telephone or both. Payment will be deducted when services are delivered.

All orders are delivered electronically via email, If you have any questions about your order please contact us at

Nest Nepal aims to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.

Please check regulations in the country you are in to see if these products are allowed for import into your country.

We will not add charges to customers using either VISA or Mastercard card schemes. The final price will be the same regardless of payment method

Nest Nepal may perform additional verification on orders via telephone, SMS or other fraud detection systems.

General Terms and Policies

The Service is provided to authorised persons or organisations (referred to in this document as “Subscriber” or “you”). Any use of the service is subject to any restrictions listed below. By using the Service, you agree to be bound by all of these Terms and Policies. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Policies, you must cancel your account immediately and may not thereafter use or attempt to use the Service.

Coverage – If you are an individual Subscriber, these Terms and Policies apply to all persons who gain access through your account. If you are a commercial Subscriber, these Terms and Policies apply to all your employees, agents and/or customers. In either instance, a violation of these Terms and Policies by anyone using your account will be treated as a violation by you.

Prices and Charges – Nest Nepal provides the use of cPanel and backyard to you free of charge, but if through misuse or through abuse on your part we incur any charges, we reserve the right to pass these charges on to you.

Term – The Service is provided to you for as long as you wish to use it, however we withhold the right to terminate the service if you use it in a way that violates the terms of use.

Confidentiality of Data

We do not share any details of any of the user’s services with us unless we have a written report from verified governmental or enforcement agencies. The condition doesn’t applies on any Abuse Case reported to us by Upstream Provider.

Acceptable Usage Policy

It is acknowledged by users of Nest Nepal services that these resource allotments are optimized and dedicated towards serving web documents and self-need email / FTP services and is not to be used as offsite storage area for electronic files, or as a provisioning service for third party email or FTP hosts. All downloadable files or files stored on the server must be available for download via a HTML document stored on the Internet in a publicly or privately accessible area, and must be directly related to the general nature of the website index. Illegal content such as pirated software, music or other media are strictly prohibited and are not allowed on Nest Nepal servers.

Shared & Reseller Services:

Resources such as MySQL databases, subdomains, POP3 mail accounts, SMTP mail accounts, FTP accounts should not be used and created in such a way that can potentially have adverse effects on the normal optimal operation of our services.

Accounts should not exceed the limits as enforced by CloudLinux on our servers :

CPU Usage: As stated on plan
pMEM: As stated on plan
vMem: As stated on plan
Entry Processes: As stated on plan
I/O: As stated on plan
Semi-Dedicated Services:
Resources such as MySQL databases, subdomains, POP3 mail accounts, SMTP mail accounts, FTP accounts should not be used and created in such a way that can potentially have adverse effects on the normal optimal operation of our services.

Accounts should not exceed the limits as enforced by CloudLinux on our servers :

CPU Usage: As stated on plan
pMEM: As stated on plan
vMem: As stated on plan
Entry Processes: As stated on plan
I/O: As stated on plan
Virtual Private Servers:
If Nest Nepal in good faith believes your resource usage (CPU / hard drive and network connectivity usage) is and/or will potentially have negative effects on the normal optimal operation of our normal optimal operation of our services, we reserve the right to request you to upgrade to a dedicated server or a higher plan.

User may not:
Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
Run any bit torrent application, tracker, or client.
Participate in any file-sharing/peer-to-peer activities
Run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield, etc
Run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
File quota limits are enforced to ensure system operating integrity and reliability and are limited to 300,000 files on Linux plans. The intention of Nest Nepal is to provide ample resources for customer convenience, so that customers needn’t to worry about exceeding limits.

It is also acknowledged by users of Nest Nepal services that these resources are limited by physical restraints of technology as well as by reasonable limits of a shared resource environment. Users must realize that server technology limits the amount of available resources for use, including but not limited to disk drive space, CPU processing power, memory and access speed. Nest Nepal takes measures to utilize the latest and most economically feasible mass server market technology available to provide services. It is furthermore acknowledged by users of Nest Nepal services that all provided services are of a shared-server nature, and other users are sharing the provided space. Customer accounts are placed on a server with up to hundreds of other users. Nest Nepal, along with many other hosting providers use this business model in order to offer web hosting services en masse at inexpensive and affordable rates.

It is acknowledged that any single account is entitled to utilize the server resources, within reason, up to what is allotted or by what is physically available. If resources become scarce,Nest Nepal reserves the right to limit users of the affected machine to a lower limit to preserve the effectiveness of the service for all users. If a particular user is in extreme excess of what the average users of the machine have in use (actually used) of their resource allotments, that customer may be asked to remove content, cut resource usage, or relocate to a dedicated service provider. This policy only applies to web sites that are considered to be abusive in service, disk space or resource consumption and where it is evident that the “fair-use” of resources among customers has been breached, particularly in regards to disk space, bandwidth or CPU processing power utilization. Additionally, web sites that are found to contain either/or no html documents, a large number of unlinked files are subject to warning, suspension or cancellation at the sole discretion of Nest Nepal.

If a “Fair-Use” breach occurs, which’s determination is solely up to Nest Nepal, subscriber may have to remove files from or reduce access to subscriber’s account to an extent as determined by Nest Nepal, in order to restore full serviceability to other subscribers affected by the breach. In any case, the subscriber will be notified of any actions that Nest Nepal may have to take.

Grounds for Suspension and Termination

You agree to comply with these Terms and Policies. Any violation of either, these Terms and Policies or the other rules, regulations or policies noted above may serve as cause for Nest Nepal to suspend or terminate your account. You agree that Nest Nepal has the right, with or without notice, to suspend or terminate your account upon the first or subsequent occurrence of any of the following

Using the Service in a way, which constitutes violation of any applicable statute, law, court order, tariff, regulation, or treaty (including, but not limited to, intellectual property, communications, privacy, criminal and international law)
Using the Service in a manner intended to abuse or violate the privacy or property rights of others, including but not limited to sending of unsolicited bulk e-mail (“spamming”); this ground for suspension or termination is separate from and in addition to the fees which will result from such activity. You agree to pay a clean up fee of Rs.4,000 per hour if any of our server IP addresses appear on a blacklist as a result of spam from your account.
Using your hosting as a file or image hosting service.
Using the Service in an attempt to break security, or so as to actually break security of any computer network (including the Service itself), or to access an account, message, or file which does not belong to you.
Using your account as a backup service. All files must be part of your website and must be linked to from your account. Dedicated server clients are exempted from this.
Using the Service in such a way as to forge or mis-represent headers, addresses, or other identification in electronic mail or websites, or using any other method to disguise the sender’s identity or location. This includes the hosting of Proxy Server applications.
Uploading, linking to or storing warez, cracks or other pirated software.
Hosting IRCD, image hosting sites, autosurf, port scanners, banner-ad services, escrow, banking, investment, lottery, gambling and pharmacy sites.
Hosting nulled or cracked versions of scripts or softwares and other licensed softwares and/or programs.
Assisting in or directly distributing copyrighted material.
Excessively using the Service in such a way as to limit the bandwidth available to others.
Providing fake or incomplete contact details, including name, postal address and telephone number.
Using the Service to operate server programs, including, but not limited to mail servers, IRC servers, game servers, ftp servers, Web servers, or streaming audio/video servers.
Using the Service for unauthorised relays through any third party systems.
Attempting, in any way, to interfere with or deny service to any user or any host on the Internet.
Performing a chargeback on any transactions past or present will result in account suspension until resolved.
If a chargeback is issued we reserve the right to remove your account, impose a Rs.6,500 fine per chargeback and deny any future business.
Any threat of legal action against Nest Nepal by a client will result in immediate account and service and agreement termination without refund. Additionally Nest Nepal shall cease all further communication with the client.
Using the Service for mail bombing, which includes any instance where multiple messages are sent to a specific destination with the intent to render the recipient and/or the electronic system serving that recipient dysfunctional.
Using the Service to add or attempt to add addresses to any mailing list (yours or a third party’s) without the explicit positive consent of the addressee(s).
Attempting to cancel, supersede, or otherwise interfere with email other than your own.
Engaging in harassment, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages, either with email or website content.
Using the Service to engage in syn flood attacks, which are defined as overburdening a recipient computer system by sending a high volume of spurious data which effective impedes or totally disables functionality of the recipient system(s), or any other methods of denial-of-service attacks.
Furnishing false data on your sign-up form, contract, or online application, including providing fraudulent credit card or other payment information.
No bill credit will be given for a period of suspension. In the event of termination of your use of the Service under this section, Nest Nepal may at its sole discretion retain any or all amounts you have paid for use of the Service as liquidated damages for your actions.
Security – You agree not to access or attempt to access private areas of the Service. You agree to notify Nest Nepal as soon as you become aware of an unauthorized use of your account and/or any breach or attempted breach of security on the Service.
Intellectual Property – Nest Nepal does not undertake to examine or review messages, files, or other materials, which are accessible through, pass through, or reside on the Service. Complaints regarding alleged copyright infringement can be sent to
Child pornography, in any form is strictly forbidden on our servers and services.
Continuing a specific identification of the allegedly infringing material and the location(s) on Nest Nepal’s facilities where the materials are to be found. Upon receipt of such written notice, Nest Nepal will expeditiously remove or block access to the allegedly infringing material, and provide notice to the person who had posted that material. If Nest Nepal receives a notification from that person indicating that the claim of infringement was based upon mistake or misidentification, Nest Nepal will send you a copy of that notification. Unless you notify Nest Nepal of appropriate court action to restrain the alleged infringement, the challenged material will then be restored or otherwise made accessible again.
Liability – You agree that use of the Service is at your own risk. Except for information, products, or services clearly identified as being supplied by Nest Nepal, neither Nest Nepal nor any of its affiliate controls, provides, operates, or is in any way responsible for any information, products, or services accessible through the Service. Nest Nepal neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy of third-party material(s), and you agree that Nest Nepal is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by your use of, or reliance on, such material(s). You understand and agree that you have sole responsibility for your posting of any information or material to any site or newsgroup on the Internet, including but not limited to postings to Web sites, whether residing on Nest Nepal equipment or not, postings to newsgroups, and participation in any on-line chat sessions. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nest Nepal and its employees, and other customers and subscribers from and against any claims, losses, costs, liability, damages or expenses arising out of your postings.
You agree that, should you use the Service to send or receive voice communications, Nest Nepal is not acting as a telecommunications carrier or telephone company, that there is no representation made by Nest Nepal as to the suitability of the Service for such use, and that all risk of connection, transmission quality, and accuracy of communications is solely on you, and that Nest Nepal has no liability of any sort for the failure or lack of quality of such use of the Service.
You agree to be liable for any damages or loss of service which results in damages to Nest Nepal as a result of any spamming or other violations. These damages include, but are not limited to, system shut downs, retaliatory attacks or data flooding, and loss of peering arrangements. You agree that Nest Nepal may pursue any such claims against you in Court.
You agree that in no event will Nest Nepal have financial liability to you.

SPAM and Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE):

Shared & Reseller Services:

Nest Nepal takes a zero-tolerance approach to the sending of Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) or SPAM over our network. Very simply this means that customers of The Company may not use or permit others to use our network to transact in UCE. Customers of Nest Nepal may not host, or permit hosting of, sites or information that is advertised by UCE from other networks. Violations of this policy carry severe penalties, including termination of service.
Violation of Nest Nepal’s SPAM policy will result in severe penalties. Upon notification of an alleged violation of our SPAM policy, Nest Nepal will initiate an immediate investigation (within 48 hours of notification). During the investigation, Nest Nepal may restrict customer access to the network to prevent further violations. If a customer is found to be in violation of our SPAM policy, Nest Nepal may, at its sole discretion, restrict, suspend or terminate customer’s account. Further, Nest Nepal reserves the right to pursue civil remedies for any costs associated with the investigation of a substantiated policy violation. Nest Nepal will notify law enforcement officials if the violation is believed to be a criminal offense.
First violations of this policy will result in an “Administrative Fee” of Rs.37,000 and your account will be reviewed for possible immediate termination. A second violation will result in an “Administrative Fee” of Rs.75,000 and immediate termination of your account. Users who violate this policy agree that in addition to these “Administrative” penalties, they will pay “Research Fees” not to exceed Rs.37,000 per hour that Nest Nepal personnel must spend to investigate the matter. PLEASE, DO NOT SPAM from your servers.


You understand and agree that information and access available through the Service may include controversial, sexually explicit, or other material that may be offensive to you or users for whom you are responsible. Nest Nepal has no responsibility for or control over such materials, and you take sole responsibility for using any available screening software or other methods of limiting access (specifically including the access of minors) to any material you may find objectionable.


All billing disputes must be brought to Nest Nepal’ attention by opening a ticket with our billing department within 45 days from the days of payment.

You agree that any dispute between you and Nest Nepal arising out of your use of the Service on in any way based upon your subscription to and/or use of the Service which cannot be resolved between you and Nest Nepal will be submitted by the aggrieved party for binding arbitration.


Fees for individual Services are set out on the page describing the Service (Fees). We will begin to charge you for those Fees on the Effective Date of that Service. Certain Fees are based on usage rate of the Services. These will be calculated as set out on the website describing the Fees, and added to the Fees. Other than usage based Fees, all Fees are billed in advance. Special promotions applied to Fees do not reoccur, nor will promotions offered to other customers necessarily be offered to you. Fees paid to third parties and set up fees are not refundable.

Invoices for renewal of a service is generated 14 days prior to the end of current term and is due on the date mentioned as the due date on the invoice.

If you provide us with a credit card to pay the Fees, we will attempt to charge your card no sooner than 2 days prior to the Due Date. It is your obligation to ensure that your credit card may be charged. We have no responsibility to provide the Services, or preserve data, if your credit card is declined for any reason.

Once an invoice is overdue, i.e past it’s due date a late fee of 10% but no lesser than Rs.300 will be applied to the invoice.

Service associated to an overdue invoice will be suspended after a period of 3 days and terminated and all data removed after 7 days if the invoice continues to remain unpaid. Multiple reminders will be sent by Nest Nepal before suspending or terminating a service.

If multiple invoices are overdue in an account, all services in the given account or other accounts linked to this account may be affected.

Cancellation Procedure

Cancellation requests must be submitted through the client area. To do this, open a ticket with our Billing & Accounting department or Generate a Cancellation Request in Client Area.

It is your responsibility to ensure any paypal subscriptions and/or recurring Credit Card subscriptions that you may have setup are cancelled, Nest Nepal will not be responsible for any funds paid to us in excess and will not refund them.

No other forms of cancellation are accepted.

Cancellations must be submitted before the invoice for that billing cycle is generated or at least 7 days before renewal. Failure to do so will result in the invoice being due. Cancellation requests can only be submitted if the account has no due invoices. Cancellation requests submitted after the invoice has been raised will incur a late cancellation fee.


Nest Nepal offers free Migration services as a courtesy with our cPanel hosting services.

Additional number of accounts migrated would incur a fee.

Migration services are not available for Unmanaged VPS or Dedicated server customers or customers not coming from a cPanel environment.

Nest Nepal offers it’s migration services in an as-is basis and makes no guarantess or time commitments at all.


Nest Nepal performs nightly backups of shared, semi-dedicated and reseller servers; however, these backups are for Nest Nepal’s administrative purposes only, and are in NO WAY GUARANTEED! Customers are responsible for maintaining their own backups on their own personal computers. Nest Nepal does not provide any sort of compensation for lost or incomplete data in the event that backups do not function properly (even if the malfunction was due to negligence on Nest Nepal’ part). We will do our best to ensure complete and accurate backups, but assume no responsibility for this duty. Always back your site up to your personal computer! We make no guarantees about the availability of backups.

Nest Nepal does not backup customer Dedicated servers. We offer Remote Offsite Backups as an available addon for all VPS and Dedicated Services which can be availed at a fee.

Sites Developed by Nest Nepal

Nest Nepal takes no Guarantee of the Sites developed by them and Malfunctioning of those sites due to mis-configuration of it by user, Or any other person who has acquired the access of the sites legally or illegally. Nest Nepal is totally allowed to act the website according to the terms and conditions listed above whether we have developed it or not. For the Designs of Sites Developed by Us, Including the Theme or codes (If we have developed any) then The Copyright of the Theme and codes Belongs to Nest Nepal, Not To The Customer.

Unlimited Hosting Policy

What “Unlimited” means

Unlimited Disk Space/Bandwidth/Website Plans. This means that we do not set a limit on the amount of bandwidth, websites or disk space you may use in the normal operation of a personal or small business website, provided it complies with this Agreement. However, in the event your service usage or content presents a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, data storage, networking or other infrastructure, you may be required to upgrade to a VPS, or we may take action to restrict the resources your website is utilizing.

What “Unlimited” DOES NOT mean

Nest Nepal employs complex mechanisms to protect its hosting Subscribers and systems from any kind of abuse. Nest Nepal’s “Unlimited” hosting offering is not for single or few hosting subscribers to unfairly or adversely impact the experience of other hosting Subscribers. Nest Nepal’s service is offering shared hosting service, which means that multiple hosting Subscriber’s websites are hosted from the same server and share server resources. Nest Nepal’s service is designed to meet the typical needs of small and medium sized businesses across globe. It is NOT intended to support the sustained demand of large enterprises, or non-typical applications better suited to a VPS or a dedicated server. Nest Nepal will make every commercially reasonable effort to provide additional resources to Subscribers who are using their website(s) consistent with these Terms, including moving Subscribers to newer and bigger shared servers as necessary. However, in order to ensure a consistent and quality experience for all Subscribers, Nest Nepal does place automated safeguards to protect against any website growing too quickly and adversely impacting the system until Nest Nepal can evaluate said sites resource needs.

Unlimited Hosting Space; excessive SQL Database

Nest Nepal does not set any specific limits on the amount of disk space a hosting subscriber can use for their website, nor does Nest Nepal charge additional fees based on an increased amount of storage used, provided the hosting subscriber’s use of storage complies with these Terms. Please note, however, that the Nest Nepal service is designed to host websites. Nest Nepal does NOT provide unlimited hosting for online storage, videos, images, audio, games, installers, executable files, backups, or archiving of electronic files, documents, log files, web spider or indexer, irc, torrent, file sharing, peer-to-peer activities, testing environment etc., and any such prohibited use of the Services will result in the termination of hosting subscriber’s account, with or without notice. Accounts with an excessive database size (i.e., more than 1 GB) negatively affect the performance of the server. Nest Nepal may request that the database size be reduced to ensure proper performance or may disable the Subscriber’s account, with or without notice. Hosting subscriber’s can create multiple databases however size of each database should not be more than 1 GB.

Unlimited File Transfer

Nest Nepal does not set any limits on the amount of visitor traffic a website can receive or on the amount of content a hosting subscriber can upload to his/her/its website in a given month, nor does Nest Nepal charge additional fees based on increased use of bandwidth, as long as the hosting subscriber’s use of the Services complies with these Terms. In most cases, a hosting subscriber’s website will be able to support as much traffic as the hosting subscriber can legitimately acquire. However, Nest Nepal reserves the right to limit processor time, bandwidth, processes, or memory in cases where it is necessary to prevent negatively impacting other hosting subscribers.

Unacceptable Resource Usage

Run cron entries with intervals of less than fifteen (15) minutes.
Run any MySQL queries longer than thirty (30) seconds.
Use twenty-five percent (25%) or more of our system resources for longer than ninety (90) seconds at a time. Activities that could cause this excessive use, include but are not limited to: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
The size of each mail box should not exceed 5GB and combined mail box size per domain should not exceed 50GB.


These Terms and Policies may be amended in any respect at any time by Nest Nepal upon the posting of the amended Terms and Policies on the terms of use section of the Service. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed consent to any such amended Terms and Policies. If you do not wish to continue to use the Service as a result of any such amended Terms and Policies, you may provide notice of your wish to terminate your use of the Service to Nest Nepal.

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