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whois lookup

Find who owns the Domain Name

What is WHOIS ?

As per ICANN regulations, when a domain is registered, registrants must provide registrars with up-to-date contact information. This information is displayed publicly in the Whois database, which acts like a giant address book that anyone can view.

Try our Whois domain tool now to find out if that domain you’ve had your eye on has already been taken. If it’s available, great! Register it today. If it’s already in use, why not make them an offer they can’t refuse?

what is WHOIS ?

Domain Registration in Nepal is easy.

Include a location or keywords

If your business focuses on a geographic region, try to put the location into the name of your domain

Make it memorable

Google is not the only place people can find your website. Users come across your site in different ways, sometimes from word of mouth, brochures, leaflets and business cards.

Get similar TLDs that users might land on

Getting your preferred domain name is step one. The next step is getting all other TLDs such as .in, .co, .org, .net and and more.

Keep it concise

The shorter the better.

Avoid using “the”

It only adds meaningless length to your domain name when you use “the” as the first word in your domain.

Use a top web hosting provider

No matter how well you’ve done every other thing, your hard work will be undone by a poor web host provider. Use Nest Nepal's Shared Hosting to Power your Brand new Domain Name.

Don’t forget about privacy

Think about your privacy when registering your domain name. You should consider using a domain privacy to hide the registration details of your domain name from the public WHOIS database.

Do your research

When you pick the right domain name, the next step is to make sure that it’s marketable and viable.

Embark on your online journey today with the best web hosting company in Nepal!

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